The Power of Yoga

Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

The Power of Yoga

Yoga in Sharm EL Sheikh !

There is no underestimating the power of yoga-an ancient spiritual practice involving meditation, plainness and spiritual enlightenment, as well as physical strengthening, toning and stretching. One of the primary beliefs guiding the practice of yoga is that the mind and body are indelibly connected.

The practice of yoga is meant to help its practitioners to lead better lives. There are currently more than 20 million people practicing yoga in the United States, so the word has clearly spread about this powerful practice. Thus, as a result, more and more fitness experts have begun to see the value in specializing in yoga instruction as part of their fitness and therapy programs.

The Benefits of Yoga

Regularly practicing yoga can help to achieve a better balance between mind and body, promoting strength and healing in both. Although it was initially developed in India to help practitioners get closer to the “Supreme Being,” many Americans find practical benefits from a more secularly spiritual version of the practice. The following are just a few of the benefits that can be achieved by practicing some form of yoga:

  1. Achieving glowing, healthy skin
  2. Advancing blood circulation
  3. Boosting concentration and self control
  4. Building a stronger immune system
  5. Cleansing organs and improving their functions
  6. Creating balance and harmony between mind and body
  7. Cultivating a higher tolerance to pain
  8. Developing better muscle tone and posture
  9. Enhancing physical flexibility, stamina and strength
  10. Getting better control over one’s impulses
  11. Helping cultivate a more positive outlook about life (peace of mind)
  12. Improving mental clarity
  13. Increasing relaxation
  14. Reducing stress

The Power of Yoga

People who practice yoga on a regular basis and truly integrate the concepts into their life will see more than just surface-level benefits such as muscle tone, better skin, feeling good and releasing stress, although it is also about all those things. At its core, however, the yoga lifestyle is about harnessing and using the energy surging in your body and mind to achieve grace, poise, spiritual enlightenment, self awareness and inner contentment.

As the popularity of this physical and spiritual practice continues to grow, universities and colleges are making certifications and degrees more widely available. Depending on experience, location, class size and the amount you charge per yoga class, a career in yoga instructing can earn you a salary of anywhere between $30,000 to $70,000. With time, the practice of yoga can help you to achieve powerful things such as endurance, self control, strength, vitality and a rewarding career.

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One thought on “The Power of Yoga

  1. Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh
    Laura Scott

    are there any classes in Sharm to attend? x

    10 years ago Reply

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