Egypt 2013 in numbers
52%: Voter turnout in the second round of Egypt’s presidential elections 2012, compared to 46.4% in the first round.
Source: The Official Website of the Presidential Elections Committee 2012.
6%: Percentage of the villages in Egypt which have sanitation systems.
Source: The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
43%: Percentage of Egyptian females who believe that a woman is capable of filling the post of prime minister, rising to 54% among female college graduates
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research (Baseera) – “Aspirations of Egyptian women after the revolution of January 25” – 2012.
3 times: Vietnam exports were three times those of Egypt in 2011 after totalling one-third of Egypt’s exports in 1989.
Source: Calculated from the World Trade Organization Data.
57%: 57% of Egyptians who have heard of the National Salvation Front do not support it, 33% support it and 10% are unsure.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” – Presidential Approval Rating, April 2013.
109: Egypt is ranked 109 in the index of Doing Business among 185 countries; Singapore ranked first and the Central African Republic ranked last.
Source: The World Bank Group – Doing Business Report, 2013.
204: Number of execution cases presented to the Grand Mufti in 2012, with an increase of 65 cases (47%) from 2011.
Source: Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta (House of Fatwa)
8: Egypt’s ranking in the Corruption Perception Index among Arab countries in 2012. Somalia and Sudan ranked first and second, respectively as the most corrupt Arab countries, while Qatar and the United Arab Emirates were the least corrupt Arab countries.
Source: Transparency International, 2013.
2: Egypt’s ranking compared to the rest of the world with regards to the prevalence of sexual harassment in the country, while Afghanistan is ranked first.
Source: “The status of Egyptian women in 2012″ Report – The Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights.
54%: Percentage of Egyptians support early presidential elections. This percentage rises to 62% in urban governorates, compared to 55% in Lower Egypt and 46% in Upper Egypt.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” – “The President’s Approval Rating After 11 Months In Office” Poll, June 2013.
25%: Percentage of Egyptians who would re-elect President Mohamed Morsi, after one year in power, if there were elections tomorrow, compared to 30% after 10 months and 58% after 100 days in office.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” – Presidential Approval Rating after one year of his presidency, June 2013.
32%: Percentage of Egyptians who approve of the performance of President Mohamed Morsi after one year in the office, compared to 53% after seven months and 78% at the end of the first 100 days of his presidency.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” – Presidential Approval Rating after one year of his presidency, June 2013.
68: The average age of Egyptian prime ministers after the 25 January Revolution in 2011.
Source: Calculated by The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera”.
126: Egypt’s ranking in the gender Inequality Index in 2012; the Netherlands is ranked first and Afghanistan is ranked last.
Source: “Human Development Report 2013″ – United Nations Development Program.
67%: Percentage of Egyptians who are satisfied with dispersal methods of pro-Morsi sit-ins in Rabaa and Nahda, while 24% are dissatisfied and 9% are unsure of their opinion.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” – Poll: “Egyptians opinions about dispersal of pro-Morsi sit-ins in Rabaa and Nahda”, Aug 2013.
78%: Percentage of Egyptians who see that the Muslim Brotherhood’s rule was worse than they had expected, while 3% felt it had been better than they expected, 12% that it had been as they expected (whether good or bad) and 7% were unsure.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” – Poll: “Egyptians’ Sentiments towards the Muslim Brotherhood”, Aug 2013.
49.2%: Percentage of Egyptian women who are subjected to sexual harassment daily, followed by 19.2% subjected to sexual harassment weekly and 7.3% subjected to sexual harassment monthly.
Source: “Study on Ways and Methods to Eliminate Sexual Harassment in Egypt” – UN Women.
40%: Percentage of those who witness harassment and do not intervene, while 11% pretend that they did not notice anything.
Source: “Study on Ways and Methods to Eliminate Sexual Harassment in Egypt” – UN Women.
36%: Percentage of Egyptians reported having paid a bribe in the last year.
Source: Transparency International, 2013.
6 times: Number of marriage contracts in 2012 in Egypt is six times the number of divorce proclamations.
Source: Calculated from the data of the “Statistical Yearbook 2013″ – Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).
87%: Percentage of Egyptian women who do not feel safe and secure on public transport, followed by 82.6% of women who do not feel safe on the streets.
Source: “Study on Ways and Methods to Eliminate Sexual Harassment in Egypt” – UN Women.
65%: Percentage of Egyptians who agree that ordinary people can make a difference in the fight against corruption, the highest number among Arab spring countries.
Source: Transparency International, 2013.
2.6 million: The number of births in Egypt in 2012, which is equivalent to the total number of births in France, Italy Spain and the UK.
Source: Calculated from official statistics of listed countries.
66%: The percentage of Egyptians who felt safe at the end of September compared to approximately 27% at the end of August.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” – “Egyptian’s evaluation of cabinet performance and Egyptians’ Living Standards” Poll, October 2013.
48%: Percentage of Egyptians who disagree with the discontinuation of Bassem Youssef’s programme “Al-Bernameg”, compared to 44% who approve, and 8% who are unsure of their opinions.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” – Poll: “Egyptians’ opinion towards Bassem Youssef’s programme “Al-Bernameg”, Nov 2013.
41%: Percentage of Egyptians who prefer that the Shura Council be cancelled, compared to 34% who prefer to retain it and 25% are not sure of their opinions.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research (Baseera) – Poll: “The Constitutional Committee and Certain Constitutional Articles” – Oct 2013.
62%: Percentage of Egyptians who approve of the Anti-Terrorism Law. This percentage rises from 55% in Upper Egypt to 65% in Lower Egypt, and 68% in urban governorates.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” – Poll: “The Demonstration and Terrorism laws”, Nov, 2013.
83.7 million: Egypt’s population in 2013, double its population in 1980.
Source: Calculated from population statistics – Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).
672 cubic metres: Per capita share of the Nile water was 672 cubic metres in 2012, two-thirds of what the individual needs to live a healthy life.
Source: Calculated from population statistics – Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).
125: Egypt’s ranking in terms of internet access in schools among 148 countries; Iceland is ranked first and Chad last.
Source: “The Global Competitiveness Report, 2013″ – World Economic Forum.
145: Egypt’s ranking in terms of quality of education in the subjects Math and Science among 148 countries. Singapore ranked first and South Africa ranked last.
Source: “The Global Competitiveness Report, 2013″ – World Economic Forum.
2.2%: Percentage of parliament seats occupied by women in Egypt in 2012, compared to 13.2% in Malaysia.
Source: “Human Development Report 2013″ – United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
127: Egypt’s ranking in terms of quality of scientific research institutions among 148 countries; Israel is ranked first.
Source: “The Global Competitiveness Report, 2013″ – World Economic Forum.
70%: Percentage of Egyptians who disapprove of the inclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt’s political life; 19% approve and 11% are not sure of their opinions.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” – Poll: “Muslim Brotherhood inclusion in Egypt’s political life”, Dec 2013.
20%: Percentage of Egyptians rating the cabinet’s performance as good at the end of November 2013, compared to 24% at the end of October and 37% at the end of September.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” – Egyptians’ evaluation of the cabinet’s performance poll [September/October/November 2013].
5/2: Out of every five women, only two stated that they had the right to make decisions in the household in which they grew up.
Source: The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research (Baseera) – “Aspirations of Egyptian women after the revolution of January 25” – 2012.
$18bn: Remittances from Egyptians working abroad in 2011/2012, 3.4 times the Suez Canal revenues during the same year.
Source: Calculated from “Egypt in Numbers 2013″ – Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).
Via: Daily News Egypt
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