Anthias Divers beach Clean up Event
On July 2nd 2015 Anthias Divers, in collaboration with Hilton Fayrouz Resort Naama Bay and SSI Scuba Schools international arranged their 6th annual Underwater Dive site cleanup in Naama Bay Sharm el Sheikh at the front of Hilton Fayrouz Resort where they are located.
40 guests took part in this event. Organized in different groups, within one hour they had cleaned the area and took an amazing 300 kilograms of trash out of the bay, as the site really benefited with the clean up with items like
old batteries, cola bottles, plastic cups, car tires, plastic bags, oil filters etc
All participants received a recognition certificate and the event finished with an invitation for dinner organized by Hilton Fayrouz resort.
The organizers would like to thank everyone who took part cleaning helped make this event happen. Events like this should be conducted more and more all over the world to make people ( divers and non divers ) aware to protect
all underwater environments in all oceans.
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