Bike Hike to raise awareness for Carrol Flowers chosen cancer charity

Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Bike Hike to raise awareness for Carrol Flowers chosen cancer charity

Show your support for our Editor Moira Tune and Jilly Healy from Ocean College who on the 29th May will be attempting to cycle from one end of Sharm to the other; Ras Mohamed National Park to Nabq National Park to raise money for Carrol Flowers chosen cancer charity.
Carrol Flowers is a long time Sharmer, who is well known and loved and adored by many residents and tourists. She is currently in the UK fighting her fight against cancer. As a true community member we decided to support her in her uphill struggle and fight with her by backing her up and biking. It may not seem that far, but both Jilly and Moira haven’t been cycling for long and from park to park the route takes them through the desert.

A Virgin Money Giving fundraiser page has been set up for the charity Brains Trust in Carrol’s name  and the event details can be found on Facebook
After the ride the girls will relax a little and then continue the fundraiser with a party at the Half Crown Rocks home to the famous Friday night BBQ. Come and join them and help raise the bar for charity.

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2 thoughts on “Bike Hike to raise awareness for Carrol Flowers chosen cancer charity

  1. Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh
    Francoise Reverchon

    Wich pool are they going to use it please? I have swiming school coming from cairo today to swim tom his this the same event?

    10 years ago Reply

  2. Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

    HHIS I should have thgohut of that!

    9 years ago Reply

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