Hungary lifts travel ban to Egypt
The Hungarian Foreign Ministry issued an official statement on Sunday to announce lifting its travel ban to Egypt and to emphasize that Egypt is now safe for tourists.
The decision came as a result of the efforts of the Egyptian Embassy in Hungary to clarify the improved security situation in Egypt, said a statement by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry mentioned in the statement that the decision came as part of the efforts of diplomatic missions abroad to attract tourism and help it to return to its pre-25 January revolution levels.
Other countries, such as China and Russia also recently lifted their travel bans, given the improved security situation.
The diplomatic effort to assure tourists of Egypt’s safety also extends to Latin America, where the a media campaign is underway. “The embassy in Peru coordinated with the Peruvian fifth channel to broadcast a 20-minute program about Egypt and its touristic attractions, as well as tourists’ security in Egypt, and how to obtain a visa to get there,” the statement added.
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