Fell inlove with Sharm el Sheikh

Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Fell inlove with Sharm el Sheikh

Some people love challenge, others fear it. I can not really say which group I belong to, but my statistics show I had taken a few rather courageous steps in my life. Moving to Egypt was probably one ranking very high on the courage scale. Have you heard of stories of women coming to this resort town for a vacation and met the love of their life?

It happened to me, except with a less predictable twist. I fell inlove with the weather. So there I was, enjoying my winter vacation and getting the best tan I had ever had, when it struck me. What if? What if I could have this place as my home? What if there are opportunities in a town like this for a girl like me? Could I find a decent paying job to be able to support a reasonably comfortable lifestyle?


Untill this day, I strongly believe those thougts triggered a strange set of events that ended up in me really moving here – kinda like a fairy-tale… Now I proudly call this town my home and as much as some things drive me crazy – the others make me stay.

And those are the things I will happily write about in the following weeks and hopefully months. Make sure you keep coming back for fresh outburst of thoughts and we will make sure to provide them regularely.

Written By Banana
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One thought on “Fell inlove with Sharm el Sheikh

  1. Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh
    Victoria Lewis

    beauty at it’s most beautiful

    11 years ago Reply

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