Breastfeeding your Baby

Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Breastfeeding your Baby

Written By Alison Pavitt
( Delta Sharm Kids Club )

Breastfeeding your newborn baby can be so rewarding for both mother & baby.

It holds many benefits ; it’s best for both mother & baby,boosts a babies immune system, forms a special bond between mother & baby is free, convienant & hygienic and always at hand.

For first time mums it can take a few days, sometimes longer to establish breast feeding.

The first few days & weeks are so important for the baby & also for the mother as it helps her uterus to contract back to normal. It normally takes 3/4 days for the mothers milk to come through so you must be very patient & sometimes this can be a little overwelming for both mother & baby.

If you have your baby in hospital then normally the nurses will help you to establish feeding before you go home. On average a baby needs feeding approximately every 3 hours but normally the advice is to breast feed on demand as every baby is different.


As the baby gets older & you start to intoduce purree foods, their milk consumption will decrease. Breastfeeding your baby for as long as possible in their first year is very important & benefical for the child & also for the mother as it helps her regain her pre-pregnancy weight.

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