Sharm El-Sheikh-Duba navigation line to operate soon for Arab tourists
The first navigation line between Egypt’s Sharm El-Sheikh and Saudi Arabia’s Duba port will begin operating in the next few days to facilitate the trip of Arab tourists coming to South Sinai, Dahab and Nabq.
According to Red Sea Port authorities, Sharm El-Sheikh’s navigation line is the first of its kind to be constructed in the city.
The Egyptian government signed the deal with Arab Bridges Maritime- owned by Egypt, Jordan and Iraq- to start operating the navigation line within the next few days by moving ships and ferry boats on two-hour trips to provide all travelers with additional means of transportation beside their cars, according to Red Sea Port authorities.
They added that initial studies of the navigation line confirmed that it will play an important role in attracting tourists from neighboring Arab countries, especially from Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Kuwait and Oman.
Tags:sharm, sheikh, tourists
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