Dog person or cat person?

Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Dog person or cat person?

It was written somewhere that having pets takes away illnesses from people. I guess it makes sense – love that you give to them and the love they give you back – how can that hurt anybody? In terms or energy flow it’s all good and positive.

Sweet lovable furry cuddlers – that’s what they’ve been to me ever since I can remember. I never liked dolls much as a child but kept my teddy-bears close so I could hug them. Eventually, I had to have a living teddy-bear.

Having had a dog in my childhood gave me the impression I was a dog person. You know… a person who relates to dogs more than to cats.
Dogs bark, they wiggle their tails, nudge you when they want a walk, etc. Very expressive and it doesn’t really take a scientist to figure out what they want. Unless it’s a case of Cujo that only the Dog Whisperer can fix 😉

Cats on the other hand are more independent and less likely to bother you – they prefer to relax and occasionally fiddle with your carpets and couches (not to mention, curtains) for entertainment purposses. They sometimes get loud – mostly when they demand something that was a God-given right of theirs and you somehow neglected to fulfill it.

Guess what, living in Egypt turned me from a dog person into a cat person. I still love dogs – in fact, we have a wonderful guard who is also a loving pet and most appreciative of any attention.

But my big love are the growing family of cats that found their way into my backyard and into my heart (that includes the couch in our living room, too). Do they catch mice and cockroaches? Well, I hope they do, but most of all, I just love sitting down on a couch and finding a cat or two in my lap before I even manage to grab the TV remote from the coffee table…

And they purr. They fall asleep in funny positions, too.

So – guilty as charged – I am proud to be a cat person. Me-ouch!

Written By Banana
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  1. Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh
    Zofia Duczmalewska


    11 years ago Reply

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