Sweet and Easy Creamy Baked Cheesecake
Presented by Chef Marwa Alaa – ‘Opick’ Café at La Strada
Chef- marwa alaa..opick movenpick, Graduated from faculty political science from 6th of October university in cairo in 2002, her patint for work started early when young, not from family or anyone its just her talent and what she feels good to do, shared this with her husband since college days, thought to turn it to business and yes they did work in private catering, him working as a delivery to their friends and collegues and she ofcourse in kitchin cooking different and all kind of oriental food, and also organizing and catering for birthday parties
..after moving to sharm they started the private catering again delivering to their circle of friends especially her husband working in a bank made it easy to find customers who loves oriental food with home made taste,,..
then tomore professional they open MIRO restaurant in 2005 was a success, but didn’t survive more than 6 month as she never toke a aday off and never was convinced with a chef could replace her! To give the same special taste, and was impossible to handle the kitchen all time especially with many orders for non stop 6 month, with marriage and kids.
Then 2 month ago they are back again with this cozy café with most delicious sweets and cakes for birthdays ..
it’s easier to run and the food operation is much easier..its called opick movenpick…..as they have movenpick ice crème as well, and its at lastrada
If you want to get more info…https://www.facebook.com/opicksharm
She offered a recepie of chees cak..really was different and deleciose and soft 🙂
Ingredients :
1 1/2 c. of digestive biscuits
5 tsb. Butter (in home temp.)
3 eggs
1/4 tsb salt
Lemon Zest
3/4 c. Suger
600 gm. Kerri cheese
250 gm cream cheese
Weeping cream
1 large tsb of corn flour
I c. Yogurt
Combine biscuits with butter and mix well. Press the mixture into the pan. Then into the oven for 10 mins.
mix all other ingredients well and pour it in the pan and put in the over for 45mins.
Let it cool down and leave it in the fridge for next day
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