Four Egyptian airlines to reduce domestic roundtrip ticket prices

Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Four Egyptian airlines to reduce domestic roundtrip ticket prices

Ramy Rizkallah, a member of the Committee to Promote Tourism to Sharm el-Sheikh Resort, said the committee convened with representatives of Express, EgyptAir, Nile Air, and Petroleum Air Services to discuss reducing the prices of airline tickets.

The price of round trip tickets of these companies will be reduced to LE950, according to Rizkallah.

The companies agreed to reduce prices to a maximum of LE1,250 and the Egyptian Tourism Authority will back each ticket with LE300, Rizkallah added.

Demand for Sharm el-Sheikh during the mid-academic year vacation reached 60 percent, said Rizkallah.

He added that the committee met with Chairman of the Egyptian Tourism Authority Hesham al-Demairy and GWT company representatives to discuss the promotional campaign to Sharm el-Sheikh.

GWT focuses on the Mega Event which would stand at about US$1 million, he noted.

The committee demanded the development of an agenda of events that fits tourism markets which export tourists to Egypt, said Rizkallah.

Rizkallah said the private sector launches many initiatives to promote tourism to Sharm el-Sheikh. He stressed the importance of Berlin Tourism Stock Exchange’s upcoming event as an opportunity to promote tourism to Egypt.

Tourism rates sharply declined after the January 25 revolution which toppled former President Hosni Mubarak in 2011. The sector was further strained by political turmoil over the past six years, beside several terrorist attacks, including the downing of a Russian passenger plane in Sinai in October 2015 when all 224 passengers and crew on board were killed.

Many European countries beside Russia suspended flights to Sharm el-Sheikh since the incident.
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