Forget Resolutions, What Dives Are On Your 2014 Bucket List?
Well 2014 is now well underway and we are quite curious how many of you are still sticking to those resolutions you made on News Years Eve. Has your gym membership started to be a waste of money yet? Have you eaten the cake that you promised you wouldn’t? Had the beer you said you would abstain from?
Resolutions never really become the life changing events that we promise ourselves they will be. We think that the best plan to be making in January is planning your dive schedule for the year. Put together your diving “bucket list” and then get out there and dive! We all know that these really are the things that can change your life. A dive on an amazing reef or a superb wreck creates the type of memories that stay with you forever (especially if you have camera!).
So the question is, what is on your bucket list for 2014?
- Truk Lagoon
- Great Barrier Reef
- Thistlegorm
- Malin Head
- Scapa Flow
- Cancun
??? Here are few examples but what’s on your list?
Share with us what you would love to dive this year. Not just what you would love to dive but what you actually think you will get to dive this year!
Tags:Diving, Sharm El Sheikh
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