
Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

The Sleeper Train in Egypt

In a hurry to get to Luxor or Aswan from Cairo? Flying is the fastest option. If saving money is a priority, take the bus or the regular train. But if you believe that when traveling, the journey is just as important as the destination itself, then…
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Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Fell inlove with Sharm el Sheikh

Some people love challenge, others fear it. I can not really say which group I belong to, but my statistics show I had taken a few rather courageous steps in my life. Moving to Egypt was probably one ranking very high on the courage scale. Have you…
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Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Sleep patterns for newborn babies

Written By: Alison Pavitt ( Delta Sharm Kids Club ) For first time mum’s motherhood can be very daunting. One minute you are pregnant thenext minute you are in charge of a live baby who is solely dependant upon you. A newborn baby can somet…
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Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

The Golden Smile

Everywhere you go there are grumpy people and there are the smiling ones. One of the best and most fascinating things I found in Egypt is that smiling people come in large numbers. Even after the revolution, some of them just can’t stop sm…
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Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Weaning Your Baby

Written By Alison Pavitt ( Delta Sharm Kids Club ) On average a baby can survive on milk alone until they are 6 months old. Sometimes at the suggestion of a doctor or clinic you can introduce solids before this. The first ” weaning foods…
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Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Dog person or cat person?

It was written somewhere that having pets takes away illnesses from people. I guess it makes sense – love that you give to them and the love they give you back – how can that hurt anybody? In terms or energy flow it’s all good and positive. Sw…
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Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

How to keep your hair healthy

Written By: Serena El Kwasmy ( Sharm’s British Hairdesigns ) The guidelines to help in keeping your hair healthy: Eating right keeps your hair healthy! Keep your diet balanced, and eat protein and calcium rich foods. Stay away from ju…
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Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Breastfeeding your Baby

Written By Alison Pavitt ( Delta Sharm Kids Club ) Breastfeeding your newborn baby can be so rewarding for both mother & baby. It holds many benefits ; it’s best for both mother & baby,boosts a babies immune system, forms a speci…
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Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Does a cat cry real tears?

Written By: Franny Syufy ( Guide ) Some cats, like the Maine Coon or Abyssinian, are very quiet and rarely do you hear a peep out of them. Other cats, such as Siamese are well known for making their voices heard. Generally a howling, wai…
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Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

10 ways to kill time at the Airport

Written By: Mena Magdy ( Aero Angels Airlines Catering ) Sharm EL Sheikh Your bags have been checked, your boarding pass issued… and now you’ve got hours to wait before getting on your plane. What can you do with an airport layover? Plenty, as it…
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