Sharm Waste Management Project

Your Guide in Sharm El Sheikh

Sharm Waste Management Project

Adly El Mestekawy the owner of Pacha nightclub is passionate about the environment and has always been an activist in promoting the protection of the desert environment and tourism in Sharm.  He has recently set up the initiative of the ‘Sharm Waste Management project’ which aims to tackle the problem of managing the disposal of waste, whilst maintaining the income generated by sorting waste for the Bedouins.  The project has been recognised by the Minister of Environment and The Governor of South Sinai.  It is the first of its kind and intends to change the way waste is collected and sorted making Sharm and its surrounding area a cleaner and more beautiful place to live and visit.  Please show you support for this initiative by ‘liking’ the Facebook page ‘Sharm Waste Management Project’


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